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Child Support/Custody and Visitation

Available Help

The Arkansas Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) may be able to help you with the following:

  • establishing who the father of a child is (paternity)
  • locating the noncustodial parent
  • getting a child support order or changing an order
  • getting medical insurance coverage for a child
  • determining the amount of past-due support
  • collecting child support payments
  • collecting spousal support payments when spousal support is part of a child support order

Help Not Provided

Legal Advice

The OCSE attorneys may work on a case and represent the case in court; however, the OCSE does not represent the custodial or the noncustodial parent individually in the case. The OCSE represents the interest of the State of Arkansas in seeing children financially provided for. The OCSE will manage a case assigned to them based on OSCE policy and federal and state laws and regulations.

Spousal Support

Spousal support is not enforced unless it was part of the original child support order and child support is currently being collected.

Visitation and Legal Custody

The OCSE cannot advise or help with visitation or custody matters.

Help with Locating a Missing Person

The OCSE can only provide locating services for cases it manages or under certain special circumstances.

Attorneys for Questions Related to Child Support

Attorneys at the OCSE act on the behalf of the state of Arkansas. They do not represent either of the parents or provide people with legal advice. Applications are available at your local OCSE office, or you may call (501) 682-8398 to request that an application be sent to you. More information can be found at

Child Support Amounts

The amount of child support will usually be based on the Arkansas Family Support Guidelines.

Complete charts can be found on the Arkansas Judiciary website.

A direct link can be found here.