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ARKids First

Asking for a Hearing

You should ask for a hearing if you believe any of the following:

  • it was wrong to deny your application or request service

  • it is taking too long to decide about your application

  • you did not receive enough help

  • you asked for a service but did not get it

  • someone forced you to accept a service you did

    not want

  • someone discriminated against you

To ask for a hearing, send a letter to:

Department of Human Services, Appeals and Hearings Section
P.O. Box 1437, Slot N401
Little Rock, AR 72203

Before a Hearing

Before a hearing, you should do all of the following:

  • get your facts in order, so you can explain clearly

  • bring any letters, papers, or other items that help show what happened

  • list any witnesses who can tell what happened (DHS can help you get them to come to the hearing—contact your county DHS office for help)

  • decide if you want someone to speak for you at the hearing (you may speak for yourself if you want to)—contact your county DHS office for help

  • decide if you want a lawyer