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Self-Representation in Court

Filing for a Fee Waiver

In Forma Pauperis (also known as a fee waiver) is used when you cannot afford to pay the court filing fee and costs for filing a court form. Before you file your court forms, you can request a fee waiver from the court. The court may consider the current federal poverty guidelines and will look at your ability to pay the filing fee based on what you own and how much money you make.

If the court grants your fee waiver, then you can file your court forms without paying filing fees and other fees charged by the clerk. In addition, the sheriff will serve your Summons and Complaint or Petition for free.  

Currently, there is a $165 filing fee in some counties in Arkansas. Other counties may charge more. You can ask the clerk what the filing fee is in your county.

This section contains links that offer information about filing fees and asking for a fee waiver in Arkansas.